
The passion for a good wine is often due to family traditions or even the simple discovery of the magic of this spirit that is increasingly enchanting Brazilians.

Duas experientes famílias Cantú and Vianna, empreendedoras da região sul do Brasil nos segmentos de logística, agropecuária, industrialização e comercialização de produtos médicos e alimentos, decidiram diversificar ainda mais sua atuação e levar essas referências para o mercado do vinho.

A Rio Tigre importadora arrives to the Brazilian market with the mission of increasingly bring quality labels to the tables of people at affordable prices.

The company imports wines from countries such as Portugal and Spain, regions that are well known for the cultivation of quality grapes and harmonious blends. From Portugal, the highlights are labels produced in vineyards in the areas of D’Ouro, Porto, Dão and Lisbon. From Spain, on the other hand, the wines come from well-known regions such as Alicante and Valencia.

Rigorous Selection

One of the highlights in the work of Rio Tigre Importadora is the careful choice of suppliers. To this end, it counts on professionals with a deep knowledge about the world of wines who do a rigorous work of evaluation of vineyards and the business feasibility.

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Next Level Wines Seal

In order to confirm its mission, Rio Tigre Importadora has developed the “Next Level Wine” seal, which accompanies all the labels the company brings to Brazil and are proof of superior quality and just prices.


Rio Tigre has built a portfolio of over 20 labels that includes white, red and Portuguese green red produced from several types of grapes that are typical of regions in Portugal and Spain. The company distributes the wines it imports to retailers.

With a wine consumer market still in expansion in Brazil, Rio Tigre’s intent is to increasingly broaden its product catalogue, bringing new options of wine produced in other countries in Europe and in the New World.

However, for the time being, cheers!
Welcome to our world of wine!