
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tincidunt augue metus, non ornare enim finibus vitae. Sed scelerisque, metus ut hendrerit fermentum, lacus est vehicula diam, quis tristique nisl mauris a justo. Etiam sollicitudin quis felis in lacinia. Maecenas id scelerisque dui. Nullam malesuada tortor at eros mollis maximus. Mauris eu ex venenatis, molestie lacus quis, rutrum nibh. Pellentesque a vestibulum metus, nec rhoncus ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc ac ante pretium, pretium lacus sed, porta nibh.

Wine And Roses Logo

Wines N’ Roses Viticultores

Localizada na Font de La Figuera, no interior da província de Valencia, a bodega é cercada por vinhedos, Oliveiras e Amendoeiras. A construção aconteceu em 2020 e combina os mais tradicionais recursos com novas enológicas tecnologias.
Vale Quinta D'Aldeia

Quinta Vale D’Aldeia

Located in the Meda region, in Upper Douro, the vineyard is a project that was born from the efforts and dedication of a single family, whose main goal is to produce excellent wines.
Bodega Arraez

Bodega Arraez

Those who know us say that we are the most irreverent and shameless wine cellar in the Mediterranean. We take this as a compliment, because for us being shameless means to swim against the current, being a nonconformist and producing wines that nobody has produced before.
Manuel Costa e Filhos

Manuel Costa & Filhos

The company was founded in 1989 by Manuel Costa and is the result of the synergy between knowledge and passion for winemaking. The filling of the first bottle gave way to the pioneer brand: Minha Adega. The acceptance and recognition of the quality of the wine have increased production and sales.